The International Festival of Krakow Composers (formerly known as Days of Music by Krakow Composers) has been present among the cultural events in Krakow since 1989. The main purpose of the Festival is the promotion and presentation of contemporary, professional work of Krakow composers (from classics and professors, through the outstanding middle generation to the youngest composers and students of composition) created in relation to the musical tradition of neighbouring countries, countries of the European Union and music of the world.1
The mission of the Academy of Music in Krakow – since its inception (over 120 years) – is to educate musicians-humanists in the broad context of music culture and art, according to the motto: per academiam ad astra.2
Artistic sheet
- Event: Międzynarodowy Festiwal Kompozytorów Krakowskich (Website [Polish]).
- Band: Akademia Muzyczna w Krakowie (Website [Polish]).
- Composer: Marek Stachowski (Wikipedia [Polish], Wikipedia [German], Wikipedia), Zbigniew Bujarski (Wikipedia [Polish], Wikipedia, Wikipedia [German]), Marcel Chyrzyński (Website, Website [Polish], Facebook).
- Conductor: Paweł Przytocki (Website [Polish], Website, Wikipedia [Polish], Wikipedia).
- Cello: Jan Kalinowski (Website [Polish], Inform. [Polish]).
- Musicians: Sara Ślemp (Facebook [Polish]), ...
- Place: Kraków Philharmonic (See on Google Map) (Website [Polish]).
A few pictures
And now on video with music that has nothing to do ☺︎